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Error message – Something's gone wrong • Our team has been notified.

This page is an attempt to document a somewhat cryptic error message that Atlassian products sometimes display and hopefully provide more meaning to the message.


This seems to happen when the Atlassian platform (Jira or Confluence) completely fails to load a Marketplace app within the page. The app is often completely absent from the page.

The full text of the error message reads:

Something's gone wrong

Our team has been notified. If the problem persists please contact Atlassian Support

Variant 1

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 16.43.44.png

This can occur when the client machine has connectivity issues with the Atlassian content delivery network (CDN).

Variant 2


This behaviour has been observed when a user is not logged in, but is trying to access an app page.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Open the Atlassian Jira or Confluence page where the app is displayed

  • Copy the URL

  • Paste the URL in a private browser window

In this case, this error message can sometimes include an error code. The error codes are not published publicly, so are of little use to marketplace vendors at this time.


If your browser does not have access to the URL below, then apps can fail to load at all


Top tip: Try pasting the above URL into your browser address bar to see if it will load for you.

If the URL does not load:

  • There may be a problem with the Atlassian CDN.

  • Your corporate firewall may be blocking the domain.

See also:

Further reading

These links are for the technically minded and give a background into what may be causing the error.

Jira tickets

Community posts

For other Atlassian Marketplace vendors:

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.