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Shared documentation

Shared help for all Atlassian apps … ...


How do I update an app?

From time to time, apps are updated in a way that cannot be automatically done in the background. When this happens, the Manage apps page will let you know w...

How do I apply a promo code for an Atlassian app?

Press the Apps menu: Press the Manage apps menu item from the dropdown: Press the Promotions menu item on the left: Press the Apply promotion code button Ent...

How to check the version of an app

From the Apps menu, select Manage Apps: Click on the name of the app you are interested in: View the version of the app:

How to perform a hard refresh in common web browsers

A hard refresh clears your browser cache for a specific page, which forces it to load the most recent version of that page. This could include new scripts, s...

Error messages from Atlassian and their meaning

This page is an attempt to document the somewhat cryptic error messages that Atlassian products sometimes display and hopefully provide more meaning to each ...

Some of my Safari users cannot see the content in an app

This is an unfortunate part of how the the Atlassian apps framework works, running code in an iframe on a different domain to your Atlassian instance. When S...

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.