Filtering results
Did you know that you can apply filters to any of the reporting screens by selecting a criteria from the filter controls row?
User Type
Select from all, normal or guest users in the User Type filter: users are easily distinguished from normal users by the GUEST status on their avatar image:
When using the User Type filter, note that it will only display data from after the isExternalCollaborator
custom dimension was configured.
If the custom dimension has not been configured, no results will be displayed other than for All.
Where Displayed
Select where the content was displayed in the Where displayed filter: allows you to see whether the Confluence content was displayed:
within Confluence
in a Jira Service Management Portal article
in a Project Page in Jira Software or Jira Work Management
in Refined for Confluence
as an embedded page in Microsoft Teams, Miro, and more
By default, it shows all content page views, no matter where they were displayed.
When using the Where Displayed filter, note that it will only display data from after the parentProduct
custom dimension was configured.
If the custom dimension has not been configured, no results will be displayed other than for All.
Date Ranges
You can easily select the start and end dates, or choose a date range: data in the results tables
We've added a Results Filter to top of all report table. This allows the table of results to be filtered by any text contained within the table. This filter is also used by the Export to CSV feature.