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Looker Studio doesn't work with new URLs

Google Data Studio was rebranded to Looker Studio and has since migrated domains from to

The current version of the app supports both the old and the new domain names.

If you cannot embed URLs/web addresses using Looker Studio in Confluence, then it might be because you are on an old version of the app.

Check whether you are on an old version & update

From time to time, the app is updated in a way that cannot be automatically done in the background. 

From the Apps menu, select Manage apps:

 When this happens, the Manage apps page will let you know with a UPDATE AVAILABLE status next to the app. If the list of apps is long, you can filter on “Looker Studio”.

Click on the Update button and the app will be updated to the latest version:

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.